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Encylopedia > Bathroom

Toilet Seat

Picture of Toilet_Seat
Image copyright: Jonathan Sayles

The toilet seat might seem like the epitome of luxury to people these days, but it wasn`t always like this.

The oldest known toilet seats were made in China around 2000 years ago. The were made of pieces of stone that would enable several people to sit at the same time in a line.

The modern version of the toilet seat thankfully isn`t quite as heavy so its much more convenient these days.

Toilet seats can be made from a wide variety of materials. Wood tends to give a slightly warmer base to sit on, but it isn`t necessarily the most hygienic. Hard plastics are especially good for toilet seats as they do not allow liquids/bacteria to permeate the surface and are easy to wipe down.

Many places in the world can`t afford toilet seats. They tend to just use the toilet bowl to sit on. You didn`t really think the toilet seat was a luxury did you? Let that be a lesson learned.

What we assume is just something simple and cheap, it can be out of the realms of people less fortunate than ourselves. So next time you sit on your throne, remember it really is the ultimate oppulence.