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Encylopedia > Astronomy > Planet

Largest Planet in the Solar System

What is the largest planet in the Solar System. Well obviously that is Jupiter and that was an easy question. However, below you will find a table of the planet sizes along with mass, and mean distance from the sun. Hopefully this list will give you a really good idea in your mind of the sizes of the planets and where they appear in the Solar System

Planet nameDiameter in KilometersMass of Planet
Earth is 1
Mean distance
from the Sun
Jupiter139822 km317.8780 million km
Saturn120536 km95.21430 million km
Uranus51118 km14.542880 million km
Neptune49538 km17.144500 million km
Earth12742 km1150 million km
Venus12092 km0.815108 million km
Mars7792 km0.107230 million km
Mercury4880 km0.05558 million km
Pluto2310 km0.00225870 million km