
Picture Generator

This is a simple picture generator. You can create several styles of images. Each small icon below represents the style of image that you can create if you click on that icon. For example, lets take the first 4 icons. I class those as marble effects.

You can use the generated images in any way you see fit. This is a free to use tool. I mostly create things like buttons for my games using this generator. It saves drawing by hand. Each image created is a jpeg file. I know its not the most amazing whizz bang image generator you have ever seen, but it is simple to use.
plain marble 1plain marble 2 marble 1marble 2 horizontal line 1horizontal line 2 vertical line 1vertical line 2 wavey horizontal line 1wavey horizontal line 2 wavey vertical line 2wavey vertical line 2 grass 1grass 2 grass gradient 1grass gradient 2 starsmulticoloured stars big pixels 1big pixels 2 random pixels 1random pixels 2 decreasing squares 1decreasing squares 2 grid 1grid 2 x grid 1x grid 2 grid x grid 1grid x grid 2 multi coloured grid 1multi coloured grid 2 multi coloured grid x 1multi coloured grid x 2 random circles 1random circles 2 random squares 1random squares 2 random triangles 1random triangles 2 horizontal gradient 1horizontal gradient 2 vertical gradient 1vertical gradient 2 gradient square 1gradient square 2 mandelbrottri arm fractal button 1button 2

Random Triangles

Choose grid size :-

Choose tiled or untiled :-
Filled or not filled :-
Choose density :-
Choose background colour :-
To save the picture, right click the mouse while holding the pointer over the picture and select "Save Picture As"