日本語 | 羅馬字 | 英語 |
動詞 | doushi | verb |
上がる | agaru | raise up, get nervous, finish, enter |
上げる | ageru | rise, lift, give |
開ける | akeru | open |
空ける | akeru | empty |
明ける | akeru | day breaks |
あきらめる | akirameru | give up |
飽きる | akiru | be tired of |
開く | aku | open, begin |
| 空く | aku | become vacant |
争う | arasou | fight, compete,to dispute, contend |
洗う | arau | wash, inquire into, wash one`s hand of affair |
現ね | arawareru | appear |
表れ | arawareru | become visible, show |
現す | arawasu | appear |
表す | arawasu | show, express |
著す | arawasu | write |
有る | aru | be to have |
歩く | aruku | walk |
遊ぶ | asobu | play, enjoy oneself |
当たる | ataru | hit, shine upon |
当てる | ateru | hit, guess, put |
宛てる | ateru | address too |
集まる | atsumaru | get together, assemble |
集める | atsumeru | collect, gather |
会う | au | meet |
合う | au | match, fit |
謝る | ayamaru | apologize |
誤る | ayamaru | make a mistake |
預かる | azukaru | keep, take charge of |
預ける | azukeru | leave in one`s care, deposit |
ふつかる | butsukaru | hit, face (difficulties), fall on (dates) |
ふつける | butsukeru | hit against, strike, throw |
違う | chigau | differ, be wrong |
近づける | chikazukeru | bring close, let approach |
近づく | chikazuku | approach, get near, associate with |
抱く | daku | hug |
だます | damasu | deceive, cheat |
出す | dasu | put out, send, pay, submit, begin doint |
出かける | dekakeru | go out, set off |
出来る | dekiru | be completed, be made of, can do |
出る | deru | come out, leave, attend, be published |
選ぶ | erabu | choose, decide on, elect |
増えろ | fueru | increase |
拭く | fuku | wipe |
吹く | fuku | blow, play instrument(not string) |
含める | fukumeru | include, convince |
含む | fukumu | contain, include, keep in the mouth |
触れる | fureru | touch, mention |
ふれる | fureru | go mad |
降る | furu | fall |
振る | furu | wave, reject, attach |
太る | futoru | put on weight |
増やす | fuyasu | increase |
頑張る | ganbaru | hold out |
御座る | gozaru | be |
入る | hairu | enter, join, accomodate, contain |
始まる | hajimaru | begin, start, break out |
始める | hajimeru | begin, open |
計る | hakaru | measure, weigh |
図る | hakaru | attempt, decieve |
運ぶ | hakobu | carry |
履く | haku | put on(footwear) |
吐く | haku | vomit, breathe out |
掃く | haku | sweep |
話す | hanasu | speak |
離す | hanasu | keep away |
放す | hanasu | set free, let go |
払う | harau | pay, sweep, wipe, pay attention |
晴れる | hareru | clear up, be dispelled |
腫れる | hareru | swell |
貼る | haru | stick |
張る | haru | pitch, stretch, extend |
走る | hashiru | run |
働く | hataraku | work, operate by, commit a crime |
はやる | hayaru | be in fashion, be popular, prevail |
減らす | herasu | decrease, reduce |
減る | heru | decrease |
引く | hiku | pull, draw (line), catch cold, consult (dictionary) |
弾く | hiku | play instrument (string) |
拾う | hirou | pick up, search |
誉める | homeru | praise, commend |
生きる | ikiru | live, become alive |
行く | iku | go |
祈る | inoru | pray, hope |
いらっしゃる | irassharu | go, come, be |
入れる | ireru | put in, include, pour in |
居る | iru | be, stay |
いる | iru | keep, be doing |
要る | iru | need |
急ぐ | isogu | hurry |
致す | itasu | do, cause |
言う | iu | say, tell |
祝う | iwau | congratulate, celebrate |
帰る | kaeru | go home |
返る | kaeru | return |
変える, 替える, 換える, 代える | kaeru | change |
返す | kaesu | return, restore |
懸かる, 掛かる | kakaru | take, hang |
係る | kakaru | depend on |
かかる | kakaru | be taken ill |
掛ける | kakeru | spend, hang, telephone, lock, sit |
かける | kakeru | bet |
書く | kaku | write |
描く | kaku | draw, paint |
隠れる | kakureru | hide, conceal |
隠す | kakusu | hide, cover |
構う | kamau | mind, care |
考える | kangaeru | think of, consider |
感じる | kanjiru | feel |
借りる | kariru | borrow, rent |
貸す | kasu | lend, give a hand |
片付ける | katazukeru | put in order, tidy up, finish |
勝つ | katsu | win |
買う | kau | buy, incur, appreciate |
飼う | kau | keep animals |
乾かす | kawakasu | dry |
乾く | kawaku | get dry |
渇く | kawaku | get dry, be thristy |
変わる | kawaru | change, be different |
代わる | kawaru | replace |
数える | kazoeru | count |
消す | kesu | extinguish, turn off, erase, disappear |
消える | kieru | go out, disappear, vanish |
聞こえる | kikoeru | hear, sound, be known |
聞く | kiku | ask, hear, listen |
利く | kiku | be effective |
決まる | kimaru | be decided, be fixed, be certain |
決める | kimeru | decide, fix, choose |
切れる | kireru | cut off, expire,to be sharp |
切る | kiru | cut |
着る | kiru | wear, put on, take blame for |
超える | koeru | go over, pass, surpass |
肥える | koeru | be fertile, be fat |
困る | komaru | be in trouble, be in a fix, be at a loss |
込む | komu | be crowded |
殺す | korosu | kill, murder |
越す, 超す | kosu | cross, go over, go through |
答える | kotaeru | answer, respond |
応える | kotaeru | have an effect on |
断る | kotowaru | refuse, decline, ask permission, warn |
壊れる | kowareru | be broken, be damaged, be out of order |
壊す | kowasu | break, destroy, injure |
曇る | kumoru | become cloudy, be gloomy |
比べる | kuraberu | compare |
くれる | kureru | give |
暮れる | kureru | end, get dark |
来る | kuru | come, arrive |
加える | kuwaeru | add, increase |
くわえる | kuwaeru | hold in mouth |
間違える | machigaeru | make a mistake |
間違う | machigau | make mistake |
曲がる | magaru | bend, curve, turn |
曲げる | mageru | bend, curve, twist |
負かす | makasu | entrust to, leave to, use freely |
任す | makasu | defeat |
負ける | makeru | be defeated, lose, give a price reduction |
巻く | maku | bind, roll up |
撒く | maku | sprinkle |
守る | mamoru | protect, keep, defend |
間に合う | maniau | be in time, be enough, not need |
待つ | matsu | wait |
回る | mawaru | turn around, go around |
回す | mawasu | turn, pass round, send on |
迷う | mayou | be lost, be in doubt, be captivated |
目立つ | medatsu | be outstanding, be remarkable |
見える | mieru | be seen, be able to see, appear, come |
磨く | migaku | polish, brush, improve, cultivate |
見る | miru | see, look at, watch, try, look after |
見せる | miseru | show, display |
認める | mitomeru | permit, allow, recognize |
見付かる | mitsukaru | be found, be discoverd |
見付ける | mitsukeru | find, discover, look for |
もうかる | mookaru | make a profit, be lucky |
もうける | mookeru | make a profit, have a child |
設ける | mookeru | set up |
漏らす | morasu | let leak out, escape |
貰う | morau | get, receive, marry |
漏れる | moreru | leak out, escape |
求める | motomeru | request, demand, ask, seek, buy, purchase |
持つ | motsu | have, hold, pay for, own |
向ける | mukeru | turn toward, point at |
向く | muku | look forward, suit |
むく | muku | peel, strip off |
結ぶ | musubu | tie, contract, connect, link |
投げる | nageru | throw, pitch |
鳴く | naku | cry (birds, insects), bark, roar, mew |
泣く | naku | cry(people) |
無くなる | nakunaru | be missing, run out |
亡くなる | nakunaru | die, pass away |
無くす | nakusu | lose (things) |
亡くす | nakusu | lose (people) |
直る | naoru | be corrected, be repaired |
治る | naoru | recover, get well |
直す | naosu | correct, fix, change |
治す | naosu | cure |
並べる | naraberu | line up, to arrange, display |
並ぶ | narabu | stand in a line, equal |
習う | narau | learn |
慣れる | nareru | get used to, become skilled at |
なる, 成る | naru | become |
鳴る | naru | ring, sound |
なさる | nasaru | do |
眠る | nemuru | sleep, fall asleep |
練る | neru | lie down, go to bed |
逃げる | nigeru | run away, escape |
煮る | niru | boil |
似る | niru | look like, be similar |
伸ばす | nobasu | lengthen, stretch, spread out |
延ばす | nobasu | postpone, extend |
伸びる | nobiru | grow, improve |
延びる | nobiru | be extended, postpone |
上る | noboru | go up |
登る | noboru | climb |
昇る | noboru | rise |
残る | nokoru | remain |
残す | nokosu | save, leave behind |
飲む | nomu | drink, hold one`s breath |
乗る | noru | ride, participate, be fooled |
載る | noru | be printed, be reported |
除く | nozoku | leave out, omit |
覗く | nozoku | look in, peep in |
脱ぐ | nugu | take clothes off |
濡れる | nureru | get wet, be moist |
塗る | nuru | paint, spread, put on |
盗む | nusumu | steal, do stealthily |
覚える | oboeru | remember, memorize, learn |
落ちる | ochiru | fall, come off |
驚く | odoroku | be shocked, amazed, surprised |
踊る | odoru | dance |
躍る | odoru | jump up, be excited |
起きる | okiru | wake up, get up, occur |
怒る | okoru | get angry |
起こる | okoru | occur |
起こす | okosu | wake up, make happen, pick up(person) |
置く | oku | put, keep, leave |
遅れる | okureru | be late for, be delayed, be far behind |
送る | okuru | send, see off |
思う | omou | think |
折れる | oreru | be broken, give in, turn, be folded |
降りる | oriru | get off, fall |
下りる | oriru | come down, be issued |
折る | oru | fold, break, bend |
押える | osaeru | hold, catch |
抑える | osaeru | supress, control |
教える | oshieru | teach, tell, show |
押す | osu | push, press, stamp |
落とす | otosu | drop, remove, lose |
追う | ou | run after, drive out |
負う | ou | bear |
終わる | owaru | be finished, be over |
泳ぐ | oyogu | swim |
下がる | sagaru | fall, drop, hang |
探す, 捜す | sagasu | look for, investigate |
下げる | sageru | lover, hang, pull back |
裂ける | sakeru | tear, split |
避ける | sakeru | avoid, keep away from |
咲く | saku | bloom |
裂く | saku | tear |
割く | saku | cut, make time |
支える | sasaeru | support, keep |
誘う | sasou | invite, ask, tempt |
指す | sasu | point to, call on |
刺す | sasu | pierce, sting |
差す | sasu | insert, put up |
騒ぐ | sawagu | be noisy |
縛る | shibaru | tie, bind |
叱る | shikaru | scold |
敷く | shiku | spread, lay |
閉まる | shimaru | be closed, shut |
締まる | shimaru | be tight, be firm, be thrifty |
しまう | shimau | put away, put back, finish, end up doing |
閉める, 締める | shimeru | shut, close, tie, fasten |
占める | shimeru | take, hold, occupy |
示す | shimesu | show, indicate, point out |
信じる | shinjiru | believe, be confident of |
死ぬ | shinu | die, pass away |
調べる | shiraberu | investigate, study, search, check up |
知る | shiru | know, become aware of, to become familiar with |
従う | shitagau | follow, obey, go along with |
沈める | shizumeru | sink, submerge |
静める | shizumeru | quiet, calm, suppress |
沈む | shizumu | sink, feel depresssed |
育てる | sodateru | bring up, raise, rear |
育つ | sodatsu | grow up, be brought up, be raised |
過ぎる | sugiru | exceed, be too ... |
過ごす | sugosu | pass time, spend time, get through |
好く | suku | like |
空く | suku | become empty |
透く | suku | have gaps, be transparent |
住む | sumu | live |
済む | sumu | end, be over |
澄む | sumu | become clear |
する | suru | dd, make, have a value, price |
進める | susumeru | advance, promote |
勧める | susumeru | recommend |
進む | susumu | advance, progress, go forward |
捨てる | suteru | throw away, abandon, desert |
吸う | suu | take a breath, inhale, suck, absorb |
座る | suwaru | sit down, take a seat |
食べる | taberu | eat, live on |
たまる | tamaru | be saved, be accumulated, be piled up |
ためる | tameru | save, store up, accumulate |
試す | tamesu | test, try |
頼む | tanomu | ask a person to do, reserve(tickets), rely on |
楽しむ | tanoshimu | enjoy oneself, take pleasure in, have a good time |
倒れる | taoreru | fall down, collapse |
倒す | taosu | throw down, knock down, defeat, not repay |
足りる | tariru | be enough, be sufficient, suffice |
確かめる | tashikameru | make sure, check, verify |
助かる | tasukaru | be saved, be rescued, be spared |
助ける | tasukeru | help,to save, rescue, spare |
立てる | tateru | stand, erect, raise, establish |
建てる | tateru | build |
立つ | tatsu | stand, rise |
建つ | tatsu | be built |
経つ | tatsu | pass, elapse |
頼る | tayoru | depend on, rely on |
尋ねる | tazuneru | ask, look for, search |
訪ねる | tazuneru | visit |
手伝う | tetsudau | help, assist |
飛ばす | tobasu | left fly, skip (over) to spread (rumour) |
飛ぶ | tobu | fly, jump, take to the air |
届ける | todokeru | report, notify, send, deliver |
届く | todoku | reach, arrive |
解ける | tokeru | become untied, be solved |
溶ける | tokeru | dissolve, melt |
解く | toku | untie, unfasten, solve, relieve of post |
止まる | tomaru | stop, halt |
泊まる | tomaru | stay the night, lodge |
止める | tomeru | stop |
泊める | tomeru | give lodging |
留める | tomeru | fasten, fix, attach to |
道る | tooru | pass, pass through |
捕らえる | toraeru | capture |
取れる | toreru | come off, be able to catch |
撮れる | toreru | be taken(photo) |
取る | toru | get, take, catch |
捕まえる | tsukamaeru | catch, take hold of, arrest |
捕む | tsukamu | catch, grasp, take hold of |
疲れる | tsukareru | be tired, be weary |
つかれる | tsukareru | be possessed |
使う | tsukau | use, handle, employ |
遣う | tsukau | spend, consume |
付ける, 着ける | tsukeru | put on, fix, tail(person) |
つける | tsukeru | switch on |
付く | tsuku | stick to, attend |
着く | tsuku | arrive |
つく | tsuku | be lighted |
作る, 造る | tsukuru | make, create, produce |
伝える | tsutaeru | tell, report, introduce, transmit |
伝わる | tsutawaru | be handed down, be transmitted, be introduced |
包む | tsutsumu | wrap, veil, envelop in |
通じる | tsuujiru | make oneself understood, lead to, be well informed, connect with(telephone) |
続ける | tsuzukeru | continue, go on, proceed, carry on |
続く | tsuzuku | continue, last, lead to, follow |
動かす | ugokasu | move, operate, influence |
動く | ugoku | move, change, run |
浮かべる | ukaberu | float, rise to the surface, appear |
浮かぶ | ukabu | float, rise to the surface |
生まれる, 産まれる | umareru | be born, arise |
生む, 産む | umu | give birth, produce, yield |
売る | uru | sell |
疑う | utagau | doubt, suspect |
歌う | utau | sing |
うたう | utau | express |
打つ | utsu | beat, strike, hit |
撃つ | utsu | shoot |
移る | utsuru | move, transfer |
映る | utsuru | be reflected |
移す | utsusu | move to, transfer |
写す | utsusu | copy |
映す | utsusu | reflect |
分れる, 別れる | wakareru | part, separate from, be divided |
分かる | wakaru | understand, know, find out |
分ける | wakeru | divide, separate, classify |
笑う | warau | laugh, smile |
割れる | wareru | break, be divided, split |
割る | waru | break, divide |
忘れる | wasureru | forget, leave a thing behind |
渡る | wataru | cross, be brought over |
わたる | wataru | range from a to b, cover |
渡す | watasu | hand, give, transfer |
破れる | yabureru | tear, break |
敗れる | yabureru | lose a game, be defeated |
破る | yaburu | tear, break |
敗る | yaburu | beat, defeat |
焼ける | yakeru | be burned, ve grilled |
やける | yakeru | be jealous |
焼く | yaku | burn, grill |
やく | yaku | be jealous of, envy |
止める | yameru | stop doing, abandon |
辞める | yameru | resign, retire |
やる | yaru | do, give, send |
やせる | yaseru | lose weight, become thin, become infertile |
休む | yasumu | take a rest, sleep, be absent, take a vacation |
雇う | yatou | employ, hire |
呼ぶ | yobu | call, invite, attract (customers) |
読む | yomu | read |
喜ぶ | yorokobu | be glad, be delighted |
寄る | yoru | draw near, drop in |
因る | yoru | depend on, be due to |
酔う | you | get drunk, become intoxicated |
許す | yurusu | forgive, permit, allow, admit into |
Facial actions |
あくびする | akubi suru | yawn |
話す | hanasu | talk |
微笑む | hohoemu | smile |
鼾をかく | ibiki o kaku | snore |
言う | iu | say |
かく | kaku | scratch |
噛む | kamu | bite, chew |
顔をしかめる | kao o shikameru | frown |
キスする | kisu suru | kiss |
くしゃみをする | kushami o suru | sneeze |
瞬く | mabataku | blink |
泣く | naku | cry |
のどに詰まる | nodo ni tsumaru | choke |
飲み込む | nomikomu | swallow |
飲む | nomu | drink |
叫ぶ | sakebu | shout |
ささやく | sasayaku | whisper |
赤面する | sekimen suru | blush |
咳をする | seki o suru | cough |
食べる | taberu | eat |
ウインクする | uinku suru | wink |
笑う | warau | laugh |
日本語 | 羅馬字 | 英語 |
Now take the 動詞 test in English