Language Dictionaries
Dizionario Italiano-Francese | Gratuito

Dizionario Italiano-Francese | Gratuito | Frutto


Image banner for the fruits category
fruttom fruit
scorzaf peau
semef graine, m pépin
torsolom trognon

albicoccam abricot
ananasm ananas
anguriaf pastèque
avocadom avocat
bananaf banane
chicco d`uvam grain de raisan
ciliegiaf cerise
datterof datte
ficof figue
fragolaf fraise
frutto della passionem fruit de la passion
kiwim kiwi
lamponef framboise
mangof mangue
melaf pomme
melagranaf grenade
melonef melon
mirtillof myrtille
moraf mûre
nocef noix
noce di coccof noix de coco
olivaf olive
papaiam papaye
peraf poire
pescaf péche
pomodorof tomate
pompelmom pamplemousse
rabarbarof rhubarbe
ribes nerom cassis
susinaf prune
uva spinaf groseille à maquereau

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