Français | Anglais |
nombre | Number |
zéro | Zero |
zéro | Nil |
un | One |
deux | Two |
trois | Three |
quatre | Four |
cinq | Five |
| six | Six |
sept | Seven |
huit | Eight |
neuf | Nine |
dix | Ten |
onze | Eleven |
douze | Twelve |
treize | Thirteen |
quatorze | Fourteen |
quinze | Fifteen |
sieze | Sixteen |
dix-sept | Seventeen |
dix-huit | Eighteen |
dix-neuf | Nineteen |
vingt | Twenty |
vingt et un | Twenty one |
vingt-deux | Twenty two |
vingt-trois | Twenty three |
vingt-quatre | Twenty four |
vingt-cinq | Twenty five |
vingt-six | Twenty six |
vingt-sept | Twenty seven |
vingt-huit | Twenty eight |
vingt-neuf | Twenty nine |
trente | Thirty |
trente et un | Thirty one |
trente-deux | Thirty two |
quarante | Forty |
quarante et un | Forty one |
quarante-deux | Forty two |
cinquante | Fifty |
cinquante et un | Fifty one |
soixante | Sixty |
soixante et un | Sixty one |
soixante-dix | Seventy |
soixante et onze | Seventy one |
quatre-vingts | Eighty |
quatre-vingt-un | Eighty one |
quatre-vingt-dix | Ninety |
quatre-vingt-onze | Ninety one |
cent | One hundred |
cent et un | One hundred and one |
cent-deux | One hundred and two |
deux cents | Two hundred |
deux cent et un | Two hundred and one |
trois cents | Three hundred |
quatre cents | Four hundred |
cinq cents | Five hundred |
six cents | Six hundred |
sept cents | Seven hundred |
huit cents | Eight hundred |
neuf cents | Nine hundred |
mille | One thousand |
mille et un | One thousand and one |
mille cent et un | One thousand, one hundred and one |
deux mille | Two thousand |
trois mille | Three thousand |
quatre mille | Four thousand |
cinq mille | Five thousand |
six mille | Six thousand |
sept mille | Seven thousand |
huit mille | Eight thousand |
neuf mille | Nine thousand |
dixmille | Ten thousand |
cent mille | One hundred thousand |
un million | One million |
dix million | Ten million |
cent million | One hundred million |
un milliard | One billion |
dix milliard | Ten billion |
One Trillion | billion |
Français | Anglais |
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