English | Spanish | Number | m Número |
Zero | cero |
Nil | cero |
One | uno |
Two | dos |
Three | tres |
Four | cuatro |
Five | cinco |
| Six | seis |
Seven | siete |
Eight | ocho |
Nine | nueve |
Ten | diez |
Eleven | once |
Twelve | doce |
Thirteen | trece |
Fourteen | catorce |
Fifteen | quince |
Sixteen | dieciséis |
Seventeen | diecisiete |
Eighteen | dieciocho |
Nineteen | diecinueve |
Twenty | veinte |
Twenty one | veintiuno |
Twenty two | veintidós |
Twenty three | veintitrés |
Thirty | treinta |
Thirty one | treinta y uno |
Thirty two | treinta y dos |
Forty | cuarenta |
Forty one | cuarenta y uno |
Forty two | cuarenta y dos |
Fifty | cincuenta |
Fifty one | cincuenta y uno |
Sixty | sesenta |
Sixty one | sesenta y uno |
Seventy | setenta |
Seventy one | setenta y uno |
Eighty | ochenta |
Eighty one | ochenta y uno |
Ninety | noventa |
Ninety one | noventa y uno |
One hundred | cien |
One hundred and one | ciento uno |
One hundred and two | ciento dos |
Two hundred | doscientos |
Two hundred and one | doscientos uno |
Three hundred | trescientos |
Four hundred | cuatrocientos |
Five hundred | quinientos |
Six hundred | seicientos |
Seven hundred | setecientos |
Eight hundred | ochocientos |
Nine hundred | novecientos |
One thousand | mil |
Two thousand | dos mil |
Three thousand | tres mil |
Four thousand | cuatro mil |
Five thousand | cinco mil |
Six thousand | seis mil |
Seven thousand | seite mil |
Eight thousand | ocho mil |
Nine thousand | nueve mil |
Ten thousand | diez mil |
One hundred thousand | cien mil |
One million | un millón |
Ten million | diez millones |
One hundred million | cien millones |
One billion | mil millones |
Ten billion | diez mil millones |
One hundred billion | cien mil millones |
One Trillion | un billón |
English | Spanish |
Now take the Numbers test in Spanish