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Free Online English-Spanish Dictionary | Insects

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insectm insekto
cocoonm capullo
antf hormiga
*red antf hormiga roja
beef abeja
*bumble beem abejorro
*honey beef abeja
beetlem escarabajo
*ladybirdf mariquita
*stag beetlem ciervo volante
*weevilm gorgojo
bugm/f chinche
butterflyf mariposa
caterpillarf oruga
centipedem ciempiés
cicadaf cigarra
cockroachf cucaracha
cricketm grillo
dragonflyf libula
earwigf tijereta, m cortapicas
fireflyf luciérnaga
fleaf pulga
flyf mosca
*bluebottlef mosca azul
gnatm mosquito
grasshopperm saltamonte
hornetm avispón
leaf insectm insekto hoja
locustf langosta
mantisf mantis
*praying mantisf mantis religiosa
millipedem milpiés
mosquitom mosquito
mothf mariposa de la luz
scorpionm escorpión
spiderf araña
*black widowf viuda negra
*tarantulaf tarántula
stick insectm insekto palo
termitef termita
waspf avispa
woodwormf corcoma

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