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Free Online English-Dutch Dictionary, English-Nederlands Dictionary | Buildings

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buildingn gebouw
structuren structuur
aquariumn aquarium
airportc luchthaven, c vlieghaven
*check in counterc incheckbalie
*departure loungelounge
*passport controlc paspoortcontrole
*gate controlc gatecontrole
*ticket controlc ticketcontrole
art galleryn schilderijenmuseum, c galerie
bankc bank
barc kroeg
bridgec brug
bungalowc bungalow
butcherc slager
castlec kasteel
*dungeonc kerker
*gatec poort
*moatc gracht
*rampartc bolwerk
*towerc toren
cathedralc kathedraal
churchc kerk
cinemac bioscoop
*screenn doek
collegen college
*lecture theatrec collegezaal
council housec gemeentewoning
department storen warenhuis
embassyc ambassade, n gezantschap
factoryc factorij
farmc boerderij
*barnc schuur
*farm housec boerenhoeve
*farm yardn boerenerf
fire stationc brandweerkazerne
flatc flat, n appartement
floristc bloemist
garage (private)c garage
garage (repairs)c garage
grocerc kruidenier
guest housen pension
harbourc haven
hospitaln ziekenhuis, n hospitaal
*operating theatrec operatiekamer, c operatiezaal
*wardc afdeling
hoteln hotel
housen huis
iglooc iglo, c sneeuwhut
libraryc bibliotheek
light housec vuurtoren
manor housen herenhuis
marketc markt
mausoleumn mausoleum
mosquec moskee
museumn museum
*science museumn wetenschapsmuseum
observatoryn observatorium
officec kantoor
palacen paleis
*presidential palacen presidentpaleis
police stationn politiebureau
portc haven
*passport controlc paspoortcontrole
post officen postkantoor
pubc kroeg
registry officen bureau van de burgerlijke stand
restaurantn restaurant
schoolc school
*elementary schoolc basisschool
*secondary schoolc middlebare school
*high schoolc middelbare school
*class roomn klasslocaal
shopc winkel
shrinec schrijn
skyscraperc wolkenkrabber
stadiumn stadion
studio (film)c filmstudio
studio (artist)n atelier
supermarketc supermarkt
templec tempel
tentc tent
theatren theater
tourist officec toeristisch kantoor
town halln stadhuis
universityc universiteit
*lecture theatrec collegezaal
windmillc windmolen

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