| English | Dutch | Astronomy | Astronomie |
astronomer | astronoom |
astronomical | astronomisch |
astrophysics | c astrofysica |
astrophysicist | astrofysicus |
Solar System | n Zonnestelsel |
Sun | c Zon |
Planet | c Planeet |
| Mercury | c Mercurius |
Venus | c Venus |
Earth | c Aarde |
Mars | c Mars |
Jupiter | c Jupiter |
Saturn | c Saturnus |
Uranus | c Uranus |
Neptune | c Neptunus |
Pluto | c Pluto |
Moon | c Maan |
Satellite | c Satelliet |
Milky Way | c melkweg |
Universe | n heelal |
Galaxy | n melkwegstelsel |
Star | c ster |
Solar System | n zonnestelsel |
Planet | c planeet |
Comet | c komeet |
Meteor | c meteoor |
Meteor shower | c sterrenregen |
meterorite | c meteoorsteen |
meteroroid | c meteoroïde |
Asteroid | c asteroïde |
telescope | c telescoop |
eyepiece | n oculair |
barlow lens | c barlow lens |
newtonian | c newton |
dobsonian | c dobson |
cassegrain | cassegrain |
guide scope | c zoeker |
filter | c filter |
mirror | c spiegel |
lens | c lens |
reflector | c reflector |
refractor | c refractor |
astro photography | c astrofotografie |
magnitude | c helderheid |
*apparent magnitude | c schijnbare helderheid |
*absolute magnitude | c absolute helderheid |
Constellations | Sterrenbeeld |
Andromeda | Andromeda |
Antlia | Luchtpomp |
Apus | Paradijsvogel |
Aquarius | Waterman |
Aquila | Arend |
Ara | Altaar |
Aries | Ram |
Auriga | Voerman |
Bootes | Bootes, Ossenhoeder |
Caelum | Graveerstift |
Camelopardalis | Giraffe |
Cancer | Kreeft |
Canes Venatici | Jachthonden |
Canis Major | Grote Hond |
Canis Minor | Kleine Hond |
Capricornus | Steenbok |
Carina | Kiel |
Cassiopeia | Cassiopeia |
Centaurus | Centaur |
Cepheus | Cepheus |
Cetus | Walvis |
Chamaeleon | Kameleon |
Circinus | Passer |
Columba | Duif |
Coma Berenices | Haar van Berenice |
Corona Australis | Zuiderkroon |
Corona Borealis | Noorderkroon |
Corvus | Raaf |
Crater | Beker |
Crux | Zuiderkruis |
Cygnus | Zwaan |
Delphinus | Dolfijn |
Dorado | Goudvis, Zwaardvis |
Draco | Draak |
Equuleus | Veulen |
Eridanus | Eridanus |
Fornax | Oven |
Gemini | Tweelingen |
Grus | Kraagvogel |
Hercules | Hercules |
Horologium | Slingeruurwerk |
Hydra | Waterslang |
Hydrus | Kleine Waterslang |
Indus | Indiaan |
Lacerta | Hagedis |
Leo | Leeuw |
Leo Minor | Kleine Leeuw |
Lepus | Haas |
Libra | Weegschaal |
Lupus | Wolf |
Lynx | Lynx |
Lyra | Lier |
Mensa | Tafelberg |
Microscopium | Mircoscoop |
Monoceros | Eenhoorn |
Musca | Vlieg |
Norma | Winkelhaak |
Octans | Octant |
Ophiuchus | Slangendrager |
Orion | Orion, c Jager |
Pavo | Pauw |
Pegasus | Pegasus |
Perseus | Perseus |
Phoenix | Phoenix |
Pictor | Schilder |
Pisces | Vissen |
Pisces Austrinus | Zuiderivis |
Puppis | Achtersteven |
Pyxis | Kompas |
Reticulum | Net |
Sagitta | Pijl |
Sagittarius | Boogschutter |
Scorpius | Schorpioen |
Sculptor | Beeldhouwer |
Scutum | Schild |
Serpens | Slang |
Sextans | Sextant |
Taurus | Stier |
Telescopium | Telescoop |
Triangulum | Driehoek |
Triangulum Australe | Zuiderdriehoek |
Tucana | Toekan |
Ursa Major | Grote Beer |
Ursa Minor | Kleine Beer |
Vela | Zeilen |
Virgo | Maagd |
Volans | Vliegende Vis |
Vulpecula | Vosje |
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