English | Italian | mammal | m mammifero |
carnivore | m carnivoro |
herbivore | m erbivoro |
insectivore | m insettivoro |
omnivore | m omnivoro |
anteater | m formichiere |
giant anteater | m formichiere gigante |
antelope | f antilope |
| armadillo | m armadillo |
badger | m tasso |
boar | m cinghiale |
bison | m bisonte |
buffalo | m bufalo |
camel | m camello |
coyote | m coyote |
elephant | m elefante, f elefantessa |
elk | m alce |
ferret | m furetto |
fox | f volpe |
giraffe | f giraffa |
gnu | m gnu |
hare | f lepre |
hedgehog | m riccio |
hippopotamus | m ippopotamo |
hyena | f iena |
jackal | m sciacallo |
jaguar | m giaguaro |
lion | m leone |
*lioness | f leonessa |
*lion cub | m leoncino |
llama | m lama |
mole | f talpa |
otter | f lontra |
pangolin | m pangolino |
panther | f pantera |
rabbit | m coniglio |
rhinoceros | m rinoceronte |
seal | f foca |
sealion | m leone marino |
shrew | m toporagno |
tiger | f tigre |
walrus | m tricheco |
weasel | f donnola |
wildebeast | m gnu |
wolf | m lupo |
zebra | f zebra |
rodent | m roditore |
beaver | m castoro |
gerbil | m gerbillo |
guinea pig | f cavia |
hamster | m criceto |
marmot | f marmota |
mouse | m topo |
porcupine | m porcospino |
rat | m ratto |
squirrel | m scoiattolo |
*red squirrel | m scoiattolo rosso |
*gray squirrel | m scoiattolo grigio |
water vole | m topo d`acqua |
ape | f scimmia |
chimpanzee | m scimpanzé |
gibbon | m gibbone |
gorilla | m gorilla |
orangutan | m orangotango |
primate | m primate |
baboon | m babbuino |
monkey | f scimmia |
rhesus monkey | m macaco rhesus |
marsupial | m marsupiale |
kangaroo | m canguro |
koala | m koala |
opossum | m opposum |
bear | m orso |
panda | m panda |
brown bear | m orso bruno |
polar bear | m orso bianco |
racoon | m procione |
domestic animal | m domestico animale |
cow | f vacca |
*bull | m toro |
*calf | m vitello |
*herd | f mandria |
deer | m cervo |
donkey | m asino |
goat | f capra |
horse | m cavallo |
*stallion | m stallone |
*mare | f giumenta |
*foal | m puledro |
pig | m maiale |
*piglet | m porcellino |
sheep | f pecora |
*lamb | m agnello |
*ram | m ariete, m montone |
cat | m gatto |
angora | m gatto angora turco |
lynx | f lince |
manx | m gatto manx |
persian | m gatto persiano |
siamese | m gatto siamese |
dog | m cane |
afghan | m tazi |
alsation | m pastore tedesco |
boxer | m boxer |
bulldog | m bulldog |
bull terrier | m bull terrier |
chow | m cane chow chow |
cocker spaniel | m cocker spaniel |
dachshund | m bassotto |
doberman | m dobermann |
english setter | m setter inglese |
fox | f volpe |
great dane | m cane danese |
greyhound | m levriere |
hound | m segugio |
husky | m cane eschimese |
labrador | m labrador |
pekinese | m pechinese |
poodle | m barbone |
pug | m pug |
schnauzer | m schnauzer |
terrier | m terrier |
Cetacea | f cetacea |
dolphin | m delfino |
orca | f orca |
porpoise | f focena |
whale | f balena |
*blue whale | f balenottera azzurra |
*great whale | f balena grigia |
*right whale | f balena grigia |
*humpback whale | f megattera |
*sperm whale | m capodoglia |
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