English | French | language | f langue |
to read | lire |
to write | écrire |
to type | taper |
to print | écrire en caractères d`imprimerie |
to erase | effacer |
to speak | parler |
to say | dire |
to talk | parler |
| to ask | demander |
to spell | épeler |
to draw | dessiner |
noun | m nom, m substantif |
verb | m verbe |
adjective | m adjectif |
adverb | m adverbe |
pronoun | m pronom |
alphabet | m alphabet |
letter | f lettre |
*upper case, capital | f majuscule |
*lower case | f miniscule |
number (mathematical) | m nombre |
number (telephone, house) | m numéro |
number (quantity) | f quantité |
symbol | m symbole |
word | m mot |
reading | f lecture |
spelling | f orthographe |
writing | f écriture |
sentence | f phrase |
*clause | f proposition |
*subject | m sujet |
*object | m objet |
saying | m dicton |
phrase (expression) | f expression |
phrase (language) | m syntagme |
proverb | m proverbe |
statement | m exposé, f déclaration |
question | f question |
text | m texte |
paragraph | m paragraphe |
chapter | m chapitre |
grammar (language) | f grammaire |
grammar (book) | f grammaire |
apostrophe | f apostrophe |
full stop | m point |
comma | f virgule |
colon | mpl deux-points |
semi colon | m point-virgule |
hyphen | m trait d`union |
tense | m temps |
past tense | m passé |
present tense | présent |
future tense | m futur |
perfect tense | m parfait |
present perfect tense | m passé composé |
future perfect tense | m futur composé |
Literature | f littérature |
book | m livre |
comic | f bande dessinée |
dictionary | m dictionnaire |
language dictionary | m dicctionaire |
leaflet | m prospectus |
letter | f lettre |
magazine | m magazine |
newspaper | m journal |
pamphlet | f brochure |
textbook | m manuel |
tome | m tome |
report | m rapport |
short story | f nouvelle |
biography | f biographie |
document | m document |
story | f histoire |
novel | m roman |
poem | m poème |
horror | f horreur |
comedy | f comédie |
romance | f histoire d`amour |
sci-fi | f science-fiction |
type | m caractère |
font | f police |
typeface | f police de caractères |
stationery | mpl articles de papeterie |
pen | m stylo |
pencil | m crayon de papier |
paper | m papier |
ink | f encre |
talk | f communication |
gossip | m commérage |
debate | m débat |
discussion | f discussion |
argument | f argument |
conversation | f conversation |
English | French |
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