Language Dictionaries
Libre Bisaya-Pranses Diksyonaryo

Libre Bisaya-Pranses Diksyonaryo | Insekto


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insekto, pakanm insecte
abatodm scarabée
alasiwsiwf sauterelle
aluhipanm mille-pattes
aninipotf luciole
anunugbam papillon de nuit
baying bayingf mante
dakong ulodf chenille
handanawf libellule
hukhok, tagnokm moucheron
hulmigasf fourmi
kabakabam papillon
kakaf araignée
lamokm moustique
lampinigf guêpe
langawf mouche
mamangm hémiptères
buyog, putyokanf abeille
sipitm perceoreille
tangam scorpion
tamboboanm frelon
uk`ukf blatte
ulodm ver
*watim lombric, m ver de terre
umangm escargot
watim lombric, m ver de terre

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