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England is a country in Europe joined with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to make the UK or just Scotland and Wales to make Great Britain. It has a long rich history dating back more than 10000 years and gets its name from a large number of migrants to the land called the Angles who were Germanic in origin around the 5th Century.

Population: 53 million
Government type: Democracy
Main Religions: Church of England, Catholic, Muslim, Judaism, Sikh
Official language: English

England has been conquered several times through the last 1600 years. The most notable was in 1066 when the Normans and William the conquerer defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. The Normans then went on to conquer Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To this day there is still animosity towards England as these countries still believe it was the English who conquered them but in fact it was a group of French/Normans.

Over the centuries England changed from being a Monarchy to a constitutional monarchy ruled not by the King or Queen but the Lords of the land instead. Eventually the Lords became the House of Peers in government and were replaced by elected officials who became Members of Parliament and effectively the law makers. The House of Peers (House of Lords) maintains the right to overthrow any laws created in the Houses of Parliament but only a maximum of 3 times. This power is designed to get the MP`s to change potential new laws to more preferred levels of power or to favour one segment of society over another (usually in favour of the poorer people).

England itself is full of stories of immigration through the centuries and many people living in England can trace ancestors to the French, Germans, Scandinavians, Italians (Romans) and in modern times to the Arab, Asian and African nations. England is one the the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with every race arriving and then setting its mark firmly into modern english culture. Indian and chinese restaurants are everywhere not to mention the various China Towns that exist in the larger cities. Mosques and synagogues are seen sitting side by side with Churches and Temples. Racial tensions obviously do exist but by far the English are far more tolerant of each other than most other countries. We are much more likely however to all group together and hate the government instead which is a good focal point for anger.

England in other languages:-

Chinese:yīng guó
French:f angleterre
German:nt england
Greek:f Αγγλία
Italian:f inghilterra
Nederlands:n engeland
Portuguese:f inglaterra
Spanish:f inglaterra